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Showing 251–260 of 292 results (Duration : 0.011 seconds)
Screening of pulp (Somerville-type equipment), Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 275 sp-23

Screening of pulp (Somerville-type equipment), Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 275 sp-23

Hexeneuronic acid content of chemical pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 282 om-23

Hexeneuronic acid content of chemical pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 282 om-23

Rosin in paper and paperboard, Test Method T 408 cm-22

Rosin in paper and paperboard, Test Method T 408 cm-22

Acid-soluble iron in paper, Test Method T 434 cm-23

Acid-soluble iron in paper, Test Method T 434 cm-23

Dirt in paper and paperboard, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 437 om-21

Dirt in paper and paperboard, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 437 om-21

Committee meeting presentation
More TAPPI Events on the Horizon as the End of the Year Approaches!

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Smoothness of paper (Bekk method), Test Method T 479 cm-21

Smoothness of paper (Bekk method), Test Method T 479 cm-21

Fungus Resistance of Paper and Paperboard, Test Method T 48

Fungus Resistance of Paper and Paperboard, Test Method T 487 pm-99 - "Withdrawn"

Water immersion number of paperboard, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 491 om-23

Water immersion number of paperboard, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 491 om-23

Softness of sanitary tissues

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