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Journal articles
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A novel approach for determining the reactivity of dissolving pulp based on the COD method
ABSTRACT: A novel approach for determining the reactivity of dissolving pulp according to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of water has been discussed. First, a sample of dissolving pulp was subjected to mercerization and xanthation in order to obtain dissolved cellulose fractions. Next, the fractions were digested with a testing solution as applied in COD procedures. Finally, the resulting liquid was rapidly tested by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis). By quantifying the absorbance of Cr3+ at a wavelength of 600 nm, the reactivity of dissolving pulp was indirectly calculated. The results measured by this novel COD method correlated well with the most accepted Fock test results with less than 10% relative difference. Meanwhile, this newly developed COD method required less time-consuming procedures as compared to the Fock test.
Journal articles
Magazine articles
Desilication of bamboo for pulp production, TAPPI JOURNAL N
Desilication of bamboo for pulp production, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2015
Journal articles
Magazine articles
Integrated study of flue gas flow and superheating process in a recovery boiler using computational fluid dynamics and 1D-process modeling, TAPPI Journal June 2020
ABSTRACT: Superheaters are the last heat exchangers on the steam side in recovery boilers. They are typically made of expensive materials due to the high steam temperature and risks associated with ash-induced corrosion. Therefore, detailed knowledge about the steam properties and material temperature distribution is essential for improving the energy efficiency, cost efficiency, and safety of recovery boilers. In this work, for the first time, a comprehensive one-dimensional (1D) process model (1D-PM) for a superheated steam cycle is developed and linked with a full-scale three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the superheater region flue gas flow. The results indicate that: (1) the geometries of headers and superheater platens affect platen-wise steam mass flow rate distribution (3%•7%); and (2) the CFD solution of the 3D flue gas flow field and platen heat flux distribution coupled with the 1D-PM affect the platen-wise steam superheating temperature (45%•122%) and material temperature distribution (1%•6%). Moreover, it is also found that the commonly-used uniform heat flux distribution approach for the superheating process is not accurate, as it does not consider the effect of flue gas flow field in the superheater region. These new observations clearly demonstrate the value of the present integrated CFD/1D-PM modeling approach.
Journal articles
Magazine articles
Preparation of regenerated cellulose from rice straw lignocellulosic waste and its use for reinforced paper products, TAPPI Journal July 2021
ABSTRACT: Rice straw waste is a lignocellulosic waste produced by farmers in large quantities. In this study, regenerated cellulose (RC) from rice straw was prepared by dissolving rice straw holocellulose (HC) in NaOH/Urea/Thio-urea/Water solution by the freeze-thawing process. The crystallinity index of RC was calculated at 31%, which is out of the crystallinity range of 39%•69% that has been previously suggested.The study indicated that the RC is amorphous with a low degree of polymerization (638) and higher hydroxyl group content as compared to HC. The fiber length of RC was found to be 26.7% shorter; however, the width of RC was 21.2% higher as compared to HC. Reduced kinked fiber content was observed in the fraction of RC (18.3%) as compared with HC (39.1%), and a higher curl index of fiber was observed more so in HC (10.5%) than RC (5.6%). Because of the regeneration process, the fiber length was reduced and a fines element content of about 96% was observed in RC compared to the initial fines content of HC (56.9%). Irrespective of the high fines element content of RC, the composite paper of rice straw bleached pulp and RC fibers was developed with an increase in the tensile index from 41.4 N.m/g to 71.2 N.m/g and an increase in the burst index from 4.7 kPa.m2/g to 5.3 kPa.m2/g with the addition of 5% and 15% RC, respectively. However, enhanced tear index of paper was observed up to 5% and then it declined upon further addition of RC. The study revealed that regenerated cellulose can be used as a strength additive to overcome the shortcomings of low mechanical properties in paper products.
Journal articles
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Totally chlorine-free peracetic acid pulping for nanocellulose isolation from hemp and poplar, TAPPI Journal August 2023
ABSTRACT: Nanocellulose is a promising and sustainable feedstock for developing advanced and functional materials. However, the characteristics of nanocellulose, such as crystallinity, surface energy, and aspect ratio, can vary depending on biomass source and pretreatment methods, leading to variable performance of the nanocellulose-based materials. In this study, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were isolated from hemp and poplar using totally chlorine free (TCF) peracetic acid and sodium chlorite delignification and bleaching pretreatments to probe the influences of biomass source and treatment methods on the isolation and characteristics of CNCs. Our results showed that hemp and poplar were almost completely delignified by peracetic acid treatment, whereas sodium chlorite treatment left 5%•6% lignin in the pulp. The yields of CNCs from raw hemp and poplar biomass ranged from 9.8% to 21.9% and 10.9% to 28.3%, respectively, depending on the treatment methods. The dimensions of CNCs from TCF-treated biomass generally maintained a larger width and aspect ratio than those from sodium chlorite-treated biomass. The poplar-derived CNCs exhibited slightly higher crystallinity of 53%•58% than hemp-derived CNCs of 49%•54%. The zeta potential of the CNCs, ranging from -20.1 mV to -31.1 mV, ensured a well-dispersed aqueous solution. The surface energy (dispersive energy of 40•80 mJ/m2 and specific energy of 2•10 mJ/m2), water interaction, and thermal stability of the CNCs were comparable, regardless of the biomass source and pretreatment methods. Our finding suggests that the TCF technique with peracetic acid treatment is a promising delignification and bleaching approach to obtain cellulose-rich pulps from herbaceous and hardwood biomass for nanocellulose isolation.
Journal articles
Magazine articles
Polyvinyl alcohol as foaming agent in foam formed paper, TAPPI JOURNAL August 2019
ABSTRACT: The use of polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH or PVA) as a foaming agent in foam formed paper was investigated. Polyvinyl alcohol is a linear, nonionic water-soluble polymer. It has hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts that give it a surface-active character. PVOH is mainly characterized by degree of hydrolysis and molar mass. Degree of hydrolysis is given as mol-% hydroxyl groups on the polymer. Molar mass is measured indirectly by measuring the viscosity of a 4% PVOH solution. The results show that the degree of hydrolysis of PVOH had a strong effect on the foamability of PVOH. Foamability decreased strongly when the degree of hydrolysis increased from 88 to 98 mol-%. The effect of molar mass on foamability was weaker. We saw an increase in foam stability and bubble size with increasing molar mass, but we did not see any effect on maximum air content. PVOH dosage needed to reach >70% air content (F) varied from 2 g/l up to 10.5 g/l, and the lowest addition levels of PVOH needed were achieved with a low molar mass PVOH with a low degree of hydrolysis. The best strength properties were achieved when using fully hydrolyzed PVOH as the foaming agent. Strength properties (both in- and out-of-plane) of samples made using PVOH were better than those made using an anionic foaming agent (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS). By adding PVOH binder fibers to the pulp, we were able to further enhance the strength properties of paper and board.
Journal articles
Magazine articles
On the diagnosis of a fouling condition in a kraft recovery boiler: combining process knowledge and data-based insights, TAPPI Journal March 2023
ABSTRACT: Fouling is still a major challenge for the operation of kraft recovery boilers. This problem is caused by accumulation of ash deposits on the surfaces of heat exchangers in the upper part of the boiler over time. The first consequence is the reduction of steam production due to loss of heat transfer and, finally, the shutdown of the boiler due to clogging. The present work investigated the operational condition of a modern kraft boiler under a critical fouling condition. This boiler had even faced a manual cleaning due to a clogging event. This analysis combined process knowledge, plant team experience, and a data-driven approach, given the complexity of the process. In this sense, historical data covering this critical period of operation were collected. After a cleaning procedure, they were used to obtain a predictive neural network model for the flue gas pressure drop in the boiler bank, which is an indirect measure of ash deposit accumulation. Once validated, it was used for sensitivity analysis, with the aim of quantifying the effects of the model inputs. Five variables out of eighteen accounted for nearly 60% of the total effect on pressure drop. Namely, primary air temperature (21.6% of the total effect) and flow rate (11.1%), black liquor flow rate (9.9%) and temperature (8.4%), and white liquor sulfidity (8.6%). The analysis of these results mainly suggested an excess of carryover, which composes the ash deposits. Recommended actions to mitigate the fouling condition involved adjustments to the primary air system before the more drastic solution of reducing the boiler load.
Magazine articles
Barbara Dalpke: insights from a recent graduate, TAPPI JOURN
Barbara Dalpke: insights from a recent graduate, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 2002, Vol. 1(6) (144KB)
Magazine articles
Paper kayaks test engineering theories, TAPPI JOURNAL, Septe
Paper kayaks test engineering theories, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1999, Vol. 82(9)
Magazine articles
Editor's Note: Monstrous marvels, TAPPI JOURNAL September 20
Editor's Note: Monstrous marvels, TAPPI JOURNAL September 2010