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Showing 71–80 of 182 results (Duration : 0.007 seconds)
Indices for whiteness, yellowness, brightness, and luminous reflectance factor, Test Method T 1216 sp-22

Indices for whiteness, yellowness, brightness, and luminous reflectance factor, Test Method T 1216 sp-22

Photometric linearity of optical properties instruments, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1217 sp-23

Photometric linearity of optical properties instruments, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1217 sp-23

Storage of paper samples for optical measurements and color matching, Test Method T 1219 sp-22

Storage of paper samples for optical measurements and color matching, Test Method T 1219 sp-22

Laboratory beating of pulp (Valley beater method), Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 200 sp-21

Laboratory beating of pulp (Valley beater method), Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 200 sp-21

Forming handsheets for physical tests of pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 205 sp-18

Forming handsheets for physical tests of pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 205 sp-18

One percent sodium hydroxide solubility of wood and pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 212 om-22

One percent sodium hydroxide solubility of wood and pulp, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 212 om-22

Freeness of pulp (Canadian standard method) , Test Method T 227 om-21

Freeness of pulp (Canadian standard method) , Test Method T 227 om-21

Coarseness of pulp fibers, Test Method T 234 cm-12

Coarseness of pulp fibers, Test Method T 234 cm-12

Roughness of paper and paperboard, stylus (Emveco-type) method, Test Method T 575 om-13

Roughness of paper and paperboard, stylus (Emveco-type) method, Test Method T 575 om-13

Tensile properties of towel and tissue products (using constant rate of elongation apparatus), Test Method T 576 pm-07 - WITHDRAWN

The document searched has been administratively withdrawn (which means it was withdrawn not for a technical reason, but for lack of timely review). Administratively withdrawn Standards and previous versions of Standards are not available on the web, but are available upon request. Administratively withdrawn and historical Standards are free to TAPPI members, and there is a US$ 10 charge per document for nonmembers. The numerical index for Standards (see links from the Standards page) shows all withdrawn documents (with a "wd" designation). To request administratively withdrawn or historical Standards, contact Standards at NOTE: These documents are made available for reference purposes; withdrawn documents and previous versions of existing documents are NOT currently sanctioned by TAPPI or the technical experts who develop TAPPI Standards.