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Journal articles
Open Access
Measuring moisture, fiber, and titanium dioxide in pulp with impedance spectroscopy, TAPPI JOURNAL & Solutions! February 2005, Vol. 4(2) (577KB)

Measuring moisture, fiber, and titanium dioxide in pulp with impedance spectroscopy, TAPPI JOURNAL & Solutions! February 2005, Vol. 4(2) (577KB)

Recent Advances in FSIR On-Line Measurement of Coating Weights in Complex Extrusion Coating Process for Aseptic Packaging, 2009 Flexible Packaging - Trends & Technology Development Symposium

Recent Advances in FSIR On-Line Measurement of Coating Weights in Complex Extrusion Coating Process for Aseptic Packaging, 2009 Flexible Packaging - Trends & Technology Development Symposium

Journal articles
Changes in the time of flight of a laser pulse during paper compression, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, July 2003, Vol. 29(7) (306KB)

Changes in the time of flight of a laser pulse during paper compression, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, July 2003, Vol. 29(7) (306KB)

Conference papers
Technical trends in process control for coating, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1990, Vol. 73(8)

Technical trends in process control for coating, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1990, Vol. 73(8)

Energy Management using a Real-time Enterprise Infrastructure, PaperCon '09 Conference

Energy Management using a Real-time Enterprise Infrastructure, PaperCon '09 Conference

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