It's not a question of IF: Digital Printing for Corrugated Packaging Part II

Speakers: Kevin Karstedt, CEO, Karstedt Partners, LLC; Jeff Wettersten, President, Karstedt Partners, LLC

This is Part II of our look at digital printing for corrugated converters. For most the concept of digital printing has been intriguing. But despite the technology’s potential, it has been far too limited in scope to merit serious consideration.

In this session we will drill deeper into what was shown at drupa 2016, where suppliers introduced a new breed of solutions specifically designed to address corrugated converter requirements. Does this new generation of solution have what it takes to address your needs? Can they meet the speed and throughput requirements? How about the image quality and color gamut requirements? And what will such a system cost? Can we finish the statement with ‘a question of when?’

Join us for Part II of this series sponsored by TAPPI, where we will examine some of the issues corrugated converters are looking to address with digital solutions and where the new breed of solutions fit, we'll drill deeper and provide insights into how close the industry might be to having a solution. Is ‘when’ now?

For some, it may be.