Introduction to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching Course

TAPPI Training Room, Peachtree Corners, GA, USA
Wednesday, August 09, 2023 to Thursday, August 10, 2023

This introductory to intermediate-level course will help you expand your overall understanding of kraft pulp mill operations and broaden your awareness of how one part of the process affects other operations. With this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to troubleshoot quality problems and feel more confident in your interactions among process engineers and operators.

The Introduction to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching Course is one of TAPPI's most successful annual training events, offered for more than 12 years!

The overall course objectives are to:

  • Expand your overall understanding of kraft mill operations
  • Broaden awareness of how one part of the process impacts other operations
  • Demonstrate the effect of process variables on kraft pulp quality
  • Build your confidence for effective interaction among new and experienced engineers and operators
  • Lay the initial foundation for you to troubleshoot product and process problems

For suppliers and others at the mill, this course will help you:

  • Understand product performance and pulp quality by knowing the differences in wood and fiber variations.
  • Provide the basics in troubleshooting, optimization and control by better understanding "why things happen" in pulping and processing - the variables affecting pulp quality.

In helping you learn these outcomes and more, Course Chair, Dr. Michael Kocurek, shares his collection of more than 1,000 visuals during the Course Schedule, which you'll have for review later at the mill.

Attendees will receive the visuals in a printed Notebook, and in color on a PDF flash drive.

This is the most comprehensive two-day introductory to intermediate-level course on Kraft Pulping and Bleaching in the industry.

Introductory-Level Content (45%)
This course will have Introductory level content that includes:

  • Overview of Processes & Technology (“what happens”)
  • Vocabulary and Terminology
  • Equipment Overviews & Descriptions
  • Product Properties
  • Effects of Processes on Products
  • Effect of one part of the mill on other parts

Intermediate-Level Content (45%)
This course will list and discuss various process variables, the “why things happen,” and other intermediate topics.  The curriculum also provides a foundation for the advanced-level topics below.

Advanced-Level Content (10%)
This course will not include topics in depth, such as mill-specific troubleshooting; equipment design, operation, process control, etc. The curriculum will cover some mill operation and optimization examples.

Course Learning Objectives:

Kraft Pulping and Processing

  • Become familiar with pulping and bleaching terminology
  • Increase knowledge of the most common pulp properties/tests
  • Understand wood fiber and wood and chip preparation
  • Learn the major types of equipment (Batch & Continuous Digesters) used in kraft pulping
  • Gain an overview perspective of the primary operations and reactions that occur in the digesters between wood and pulping chemicals
  • List several major pulping variables and gain an overview of major kraft pulping trends
  • Understand pulp processing (washing, screening, cleaning) and by-product recovery basics


  • Increase understanding of the bleaching sequences, variables, and bleaching reactions


  • Build greater awareness of pulp mill environmental challenges

Pre-Course Survey
In order to build the best foundation for more advanced topics that are most important to you, Dr. Kocurek conducts a pre-course survey to determine:

  • What are your specific learning objectives and what would you like to take away?
  • What is a specific technology related “hot topic” for your mill or company?
  • What process related troubleshooting topic would you like to see discussed as a basic level case study?

Your answers will contribute to some customization, within the scope and available time, to increase the value of the course.

Who Should Attend
The TAPPI Introduction to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching course is ideal for anyone new to the kraft pulping process, particularly process engineers, machine operators, kraft pulp operators and suppliers.

For new employees and those moving to new positions...

  • A more rapid, in depth and enhanced completion of their training;
  • The ability to learn and gain additional knowledge more easily when interacting with any experienced mill people or suppliers; and
  • Having the foundation of knowledge to take on more advanced projects, including troubleshooting both process and pulp quality problems.

For more experienced people...

  • Filling in gaps in technical knowledge (we all have some!); and
  • The ability to better train new employees.

Take Note!

  • Seats will sell out to the first 25 participants to encourage optimum student/instructor interaction.

Attendance Support Materials
We understand it can be challenging to ask for approval to attend TAPPI training events, so we created Attendance Support Materials to assist you with the approval process and in making a strong case for the investment.

Earn CEUs!

TAPPI awards 1.3 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) for completion of this course.

TAPPI's Professional Development department has been accredited as an Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) since 2006. In obtaining this accreditation, TAPPI has demonstrated that it complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard which is recognized internationally as a standard of good practice. As a result of the Accredited Provider status, TAPPI is authorized to offer IACET CEUs for programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard.

This course is ideal for anyone new to the kraft pulping process, particularly process engineers and operators.

The small class size, breaks every hour, and lunch are designed for maximum interaction between class participants.

  • Attendees help design the course by completing the pre-course Survey that asks “why are you coming to the course,” and what topics you would like covered.
  • Dr. Kocurek encourages contact during or after the course to have attendee's questions answered. If he does not have the answer, he involves other experts.

8:00 – 8:50

  • Course Overview and Learning Objectives
  • Introductions

9:00 – 9:50
Wood and Fiber Raw Materials

  • Hardwoods and Softwoods
  • Wood Properties
  • Fiber Properties

10:00 – 10:50
Preparation of Wood & Chips for Pulping

  • Debarking
  • Chipping
  • Screening
  • Storage and Recovery
  • Chip Quality

11:00 – 12:00

Preparation of White Liquor

  • Chemical Terminology
  • White Liquor Chemical Test
  • Chemical Recovery Cycle

12:00 - 12:45 LUNCH

12:45 – 1:20
Overview of Kraft Pulping

  • Terminology
  • Pulp Properties and Tests

1:30 – 2:20
Kraft Digesters and Technology

  • Batch
  • Continuous

2:30 – 3:20
Kraft Pulping Chemical Reactions

  • Delignification
  • Cellulose
  • Hemicelluloses
  • Extractives

3:30 – 4:20
Kraft Pulping Variables and Effects on Properties

  • Chip Quality Variables
  • AA, EA
  • Digester Variables
  • H Factor
  • Variables affecting Yield
  • Variables affecting Strength
  • Variables affecting Kappa

4:30 – 5:15
Trends in Kraft Pulping

  • Displacement Cooking
  • MCC Cooking
  • Lo-Solids
  • Isothermal
  • AQ
  • Polysulfide

5:15 Adjournment


8:00 – 8:30
Pulp Processing Overview

  • Fiberizing/Hot Stock Refining
  • Washing
  • Screening and Cleaning
  • Oxygen Delignification

8:30 – 9:20
Brown Stock Washing

  • Displacement
  • Diffusion
  • Equipment
  • Washing Variables

9:30 – 10:20
Screening and Cleaning

10:30 – 11:20
Overview of Bleaching

  • Sequences
  • History
  • ECF and TCF
  • Terminology

11:30 – 12:00
Oxygen Delignification

  • Equipment
  • Variables
  • Reactions

12:00 - 12:45 LUNCH

12:45 – 1:20
Oxygen Delignification (Cont.)

  • Equipment
  • Variables
  • Reactions

1:30 – 2:20
Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching

  • Equipment
  • Variables
  • Reactions

2:30 – 3:20
Caustic Extraction and Other Bleaching Sequences

  • E, EO, EP and Variables
  • Ozone
  • Peroxide
  • Enzymatic

3:30 – 4:15
Bi-Product Recovery

  • Tall Oil Soap
  • Turpentine
  • Lignin
  • Ethanol
  • Acids
  • Other

4:15 – 5:00
Pulp Mill Environmental Review

5:00 Adjournment

Note:  For participants with later departures, Professor Kocurek will be available for further Q&A and discussion.

Introductory -Level Content (70%)
This course offers introductory-level content that includes:

  1. Equipment  & Terminology
  2. All major Pulp Mill Fiber Line Processes
  3. Pulp Quality Properties & Tests
  4. Effects of Processes on Product Quality
  5. Effect of one part of the pulp mill on other parts

Intermediate-Level  Content (30%)
This curriculum covers various process variables, the “why things happen,” and will provide a foundation for the advanced-level topics below.
Advanced-Level Content (0%) 
This course does not cover training topics, such as equipment design, operations in depth, maintenance, process control, or mill-specific topics, such as optimization and troubleshooting.

Dr. Michael Kocurek shares more than 40 years experience.

Meet Dr. Michael Kocurek
Dr. Kocurek, Professor Emeritus of Paper Science & Engineering at North Carolina State University, is one of the world's most recognized educators in the pulp and paper industry.  

His focus is on Pulp & Paper Technology, Linerboard Manufacture, Tissue Manufacture, Paper Properties, and Workforce and Professional Development.

He has taught students and thousands of industry operators and professionals at more than 200 mills and 50 paper industry corporations, government and other organizations, including TAPPI, the Department of Energy (DOE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the American and Forest Association (AF&PA).  Additionally, he has taught undergraduate and graduate students since 1970.

Dr. Kocurek has developed seven distance e-Learning P&P technical courses under a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant at Coastal Alabama.

He is the course chair for TAPPI's oldest and highly ranked short course on Introduction to Pulp & Paper Technology  (for 44 years). He is the editor of 11 books, including the recognized Pulp and Paper Manufacture series covering the entire field of pulp & paper. He has authored and/or co-authored 25 video publications, including the Introduction to Pulp & Paper series- again covering the entire field of pulp & paper.

Dr. Kocurek received his B.S., M.S., and PhD degrees in Paper Science & Engineering from the SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, and Syracuse University. He has served as Paper Science Department Head at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, an academic program he founded; and NC State University. He also has served as Executive Director of the Herty Foundation, an authority agency of the State of Georgia. While at Herty, he oversaw a $27 million modernization of the laboratory, creating the largest pilot scale P&P and advanced fiber development center in the US.

His honors include TAPPI Fellow, TAPPI Distinguished Service Award, TAPPI Paper and Board Division Technical Achievement Award; and induction into the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame - an honor bestowed to recognize people who have made preeminent contributions to the global paper industry.

Specifically About This Course
Dr. Kocurek says, "The Introduction to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching Course is the kind of training that offers a view of the entire puzzle, so to speak, rather than a detailed focus on one or two operations.  There are few if any other courses that combine this field of focus into one. This is an ideal course for anyone who wants to better understand kraft pulping and bleaching operations and processes, pulp grades and products, and what they can do to enhance their own job performance.”





On or Before Wednesday,

July 12, 2023

After Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Meeting Registration






Join or Renew and Save



Young Professional under 30 Join or Renew and Save









Group Meeting Registration, per person (3+ people from the same location)






Join or Renew and Save



Young Professional under 30 Join or Renew and Save







Cancellation Policy
If you find that you have to cancel, your full registration fee will be refunded if TAPPI’s Registration Department receives written notification (fax acceptable at  +1.770.209.7206 by  (July 12, 2023).  Please note:  There will be a 50% refund for all written cancellations made after (July 12, 2023) but no later than 5 business days prior to the start of the course (August 2, 2023).  Understandably, after August 2, 2023 no refunds can be issued.  Substitutions, however, will be accepted any time without a penalty.   


100% - Cancellation received by (July 12, 2023)

50% - Cancellations received after (July 12, 2023) and no later August 2, 2023

NO REFUND- Cancellations received after (August 2, 2023). 


Attendance Support Materials
We understand it can be challenging to ask for approval to attend TAPPI training events, so we created Attendance Support Materials to assist you with the approval process and in making a strong case for the investment.


Ways to Save

  1. Be the early-bird. Discounts are available for those who register before the early-bird date.
  2. Join TAPPI.  TAPPI members enjoy discounted rates for this course.  If you're not already a member, join us!
  3. Bring the team.  Group rates are offered for three or more people from the same location.

Purchase TAPPI PRESS publications during registration and pick them up at the course to save on shipping.

TAPPI Press is known as an industry leader for publishing reliable and practical publications and training products created and peer reviewed by industry experts for professionals and students alike.  This is a great time to refresh or master new skills and restock your corporate or personal library.

TAPPI offers 15% discounted pricing on select TAPPI Press publications when purchased with registration to the 2023 Intro to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching Course.  Pick-up on-site and SAVE ON SHIPPING!

This is a great time to refresh or master new skills and restock your corporate or personal library.

The publications featured below are selected for this event. 

Kraft Recovery Boilers, Third Edition                                           
View Table of Contents.           

View Facebook Live interview with Honghi Tran.

Member Price: $ 160      l   Non-Member Price:  $ 207


NEW!  Chemical Recovery in the Alkaline Pulping Processes, Fourth Edition
View Table of Contents

Member Price: $ 128      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 166


NEW!  Lime Kilns and Recausticizing:  The Forgotten Part of a Kraft Mill
View Table of Contents

Member Price: $ 133      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 170

Black Liquor Evaporation                                   
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $ 115      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 150


Brownstock Washing Fundamentals and Practices
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $ 157      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 205


Fundamentals of the Kraft Recovery Process      
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $ 125      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 152


Pulp Bleaching:  Principles and Practice 
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $ 114      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 171


The Bleaching of Pulp                                         
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $ 149     l    Non-Member Price:  $ 194


Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists (Fourth Edition) – (SMOOK Book)
View Table of Contents.     

Member Price: $88      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 113


SMOOK Book is also available in Spanish.

Member Price: $88      l    Non-Member Price:  $ 113                                                              

Chemical Pulping Part 1. Recovery of Chemicals and Energy. 2nd Edition

Price: $170


Chemical Pulping Part 2. Recovery of Chemicals and Energy. 2nd Edition

Price: $137

Mechanical Pulping. 2nd Edition

Price: $137

Introduction to Kraft Pulping and Bleaching Course

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

This introductory to intermediate-level course will help you expand your overall understanding of kraft pulp mill operations and broaden your awareness of how one part of the process affects other operations. With this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to troubleshoot quality problems and feel more confident in your interactions among process engineers and operators.
Learn More

WMU Paper and Paperboard Coating Course

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Partnered with Western Michigan University
Learn More