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    Nonwovens, Engineers and Technologists (NET)


    Welcome to our Nonwovens Division page. The division is made up of hundreds of technical professionals who assess and promote the broad nonwoven industry through the work of its volunteers. New members are always welcome. 

    Division Chair: Srihari Ramkumar, Texas Tech University
    Division Vice Chair: Brian George, Thomas Jefferson University 

    The NET Division's annual conference will be joining the Tissue Division at TAPPICon in 2022 in Charlotte, NC. These events will brings together manufacturers, suppliers and academia.

    The Technical Committees of the NET Division work together throughout the year to solve problems, develop technical papers, plan conference sessions, and more.

    We are proud to provide TAPPI Connect as a centralized, online resource for our members, consultants and volunteers to network, share knowledge, problem solve and collaborate.