We are proud to provide TAPPI Connect as a centralized, online resource for our members, consultants and volunteers to network, share knowledge, problem solve and collaborate.


The committee links will direct you to the TAPPPI Connect Community pages to get involved in discussion and more. 

NET Division Steering Committee - Members consist of technical professionals, working in the nonwovens industry. 

Fiberglass Mat Technology Committee - Members consist of manufacturers and suppliers who assist in the development of the NETInc conference.  FMT Committee holds an annual fall meeting focused on education and networking. Committee meets once a month via teleconference.  

NETInc. Technical Program Committee

Nonwovens Awards Committee

Nonwovens Scholarship Committee

Technical Journal Editorial Board 

Raw Materials and Equipment Committee

Wipes Global Committee


For more information on any of our Divisions, Committees or Local Sections please contact our Member Connection Center or consult our Staff Directory.