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Showing 201–220 of 384 results
Nanocellulose moves from lab to market
The main message from the 2014 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, held in Vancouver June 23-26, was that after years of development, nanocellulose is now making the leap from the lab to the market but will take time and require more investment in chemistry, physics, and engineering.
Province offers pulp mills $100 million for energy conservation
B.C.’s Energy Minister is throwing a lifeline to the province’s pulp mills, with up to $100 million for energy conservation projects to help offset rising industrial electricity rates.
China’s Rush to Flush: The Rise of Toilet Paper
According to an article in Forbes Asia magazine, Chinese consumers are well known for their interest in luxury goods, but enterprising manufacturers are now rushing to take advantage of their more private interest in other comforts of modern life.
Bio-products are hatching, (although tentatively)
New pulp and paper industry bio-products have been until now, a typical chicken and egg conundrum.
Paper Recycling in Europe reaches 71.7%
The paper recycling rate in Europe reached 71.7% in 2013, according to the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC), Brussels, Belgium.
New data shows that nearly 90 percent of companies reporting deforestation information to environmental non-profit CDP, see opportunities in shifting to sustainably-sourced key commodities.
North American advanced biofuel industry produced 800+ million gallons in 2014
Smart clean fuel policies in the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington, and California and at the federal level could drive additional job growth, improve air quality, and generate more homegrown energy.
APPI plants trees to commemorate its 100th anniversary
To help celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2015, TAPPI, along with RockTenn, Valmet, TREES Atlanta, and members of the Dekalb County community, planted 100 trees in Decatur, Georgia.
TAPPI's southeast Ambassador's program identifies knowledge that pulp mills need
Earlier this year, TAPPI members and staff visited several pulp mills in the southeastern U.S., as part of the TAPPI Ambassador program.
Latest NPTA Quarterly Paper Industry Economic Outlook Report Provides Insights on 2015 and Beyond
NPTA, the association for the paper distribution channel, recently released the winter 2015 Quarterly Paper Industry Economic Outlook Report which included macroeconomic data to specific product categories directly related to the paper, print and publishing industries.
Stora Enso and Kemira initiate construction phase of water management pilot projects in Guangxi, China
Stora Enso and Kemira have started construction work for pilot projects addressing water-related issues in three villages in Guangxi Province in Southern China.
APRIL pledges zero deforestation, transforms sector
Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd (APRIL), one of the world’s largest producers of pulp and paper, has announced an end to deforestation as part of a new “Sustainable Forest Management Plan (SFMP 2.0).”
Study identifies ways to improve efficiencies in recycling facilities
What steps can a resident take to ensure the items they place in a recycling container end up successfully being recycled into new products?
CEPI Releases Key Statistics Report for European P&P Industry
The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), Brussels, Belgium, has released its 2014 Key Statistics, giving a clear picture of the industry’s performance last year.
Uncertainty Clouds the Market in a Volatile World
GRAEME RODDEN Note: This excerpt from the cover feature of the 2017 January/February issue of Paper360° is offered as a special preview to AOTC readers.
5 ways to support the pulp, paper, and packaging industries in the New Year
If you are an Ahead of the Curve reader (and judging from the fact that you’re reading this now, it seems that you ARE) you probably work within the pulp, paper, or packaging industry. Your professional life is dedicated to making or selling pulp, paper, printed materials or packaging (or supporting those who do), and every day on the job you’re working toward a secure and sustainable future for your company and your industry. You believe in the important contributions that paper and packaging have made to human culture, health, safety, and quality of life around the world.
The Perfect Storm: Foreign Exchange, Shipping Rates, Oil Prices, and the Pulp and Paper Industry
By Ming Tan, Analyst and Product Manager, Fisher International There is a storm gathering on the horizon and it has the potential to hit US shores with disruptive effect. The storm’s winds are caused by the dramatic change in the cost of trade that has occurred in the last fifteen months. It is, in fact, a “perfect storm” in its potential effect on US paper manufacturers.
Proud to be a Papermaker
JAN BOTTIGLIERI At the end of each year, the Paper360° team likes to remind readers why the industries served by our publication are truly special with a feature called “Proud to be a Papermaker.” While our companies and products contribute to global commerce, health, energy, technology, education, home environments, and more, it’s our people that truly make us proud.
Has monetary policy reached its limit?
By David Katsnelson, Director, Macroeconomics, RISI Since the global financial crisis in 2007, central banks around the world have taken some extraordinary measures to first rescue banking systems and economies from collapse, and later to support growth. Over that time period, global central banks have cut policy rates 667 times and instituted many unconventional policies, including quantitative easing (QE) and negative interest rates.
Scientific Work Shows How Corrugated Stops Bacteria
New scientific work explains why corrugated packaging outperforms returnable plastic containers (RPCs) when it comes to micro-biological contamination. As reported by the Corrugated Packaging Alliance, the work was conducted by Professor Rosalba Lanciotti and her research team at the University of Bologna’s Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and published in Frontiers in Microbiology. It follows a research study published in late June that showed corrugated containers keep fruit and vegetables fresh up to three days longer than RPCs.

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