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Showing 381–400 of 384 results
Safety: A Call to Action
During the recent Pulp & Paper Safety Association (PPSA) meeting in San Antonio, TX, a Call to Action Panel discussed the possibility of what could be seen as a sea change in the safety arena: to stop using the recordable incident rate as the be all and end all of how to judge safety performance.
Outlook 2019: The Trade War Threat Looms
Editor's note: This article is an excerpt of a feature in the upcoming issue of Paper360°, which will be available later this month. It is offered here as a special "sneak peek" for Ahead of the Curve readers. For the complete article and more, visit
OSHA, EPA, USDA: How Are They Affected By The Government Shutdown?
At midnight (EST) on Saturday, December 22, the United States began what has become the longest government shutdown in US history. Until the shutdown ends, the pause in funding will affect about a quarter of government activities, with about 800,00 employees on furlough or working without pay. These include Federal corrections officers, FDA food inspectors, NASA employees, TSA staff, Border Patrol staff, census staff, National Park Service staff, members of the Coast Guard, and Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers. How will this affect some of the agencies most familiar to those in the forest products industries?
5 Steps: A Clear Path Toward Reliability Improvement
Previously, I have argued that maintenance should be responsible primarily for “equipment reliability” and work in close partnership with operations; that the primary responsibility of operations is “process reliability”; and that engineering would control life cycle cost (LCC). Today, I will suggest how plant management can plan a clear path toward reliability improvements.

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