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Paper360° Website

Showing 421–440 of 443 results
China’s Recovered Paper Import Demand Over the Next Five Years: Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
After falling continuously in 2013 and 2014, Chinese recovered paper imports rebounded by about 6% from 27.5 million metric tons in 2014 to 29 million metric tons in 2015, just slightly less than the peak level of 30 million metric tons in 2012. More than 55% of the import increase came from Western Europe, while the United States accounted for only 20% of China’s import growth.
Attracting Engineering Grads
It’s spring and that means days are getting warmer, nights are getting shorter, and flowers are blooming; it also means thousands of soon-to-be engineers are looking for jobs. Before hiring a young engineer they must first know about your organization.
Is Your Pizza Box Trying to Kill You?
By Jan Bottiglieri, Editorial Director, Paper360° On the last day of 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a notification titled “Update on Perfluorinated Grease-proofing Agents.” The FDA also published a press release with the headline “FDA Revokes Food Additive Approval for the Use of Long-Chain Perfluorinated Compounds as Oil and Water Repellents for Paper Used in Food Packaging.”
Human Capital: The New Metric to Measure
Human Capital: The New Metric to Measure
Lignin Research Yields Additional Answers into Bacteria’s Role
Lignin Research Yields Additional Answers into Bacteria’s Role
Your Dangerous, Wandering, and Distracted Mind
Your Dangerous, Wandering, and Distracted Mind
Five Major Trends in Biobased Renewables
Five Major Trends in Biobased Renewables
Ford goes further with renewable nanomaterials
The following article will appear in the May/June issue of Paper360°, and is offered as a special "sneak peek" for AoTC readers. To hear Dr. Kiziltas' keynote presentation, attend the TAPPI Nano Conference.
NCASI: The Past, Present, and Future of Clean Air and Water
As we begin celebration of the 75th anniversary of the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), it seems appropriate to take stock of the history of the organization and the role it has played in helping the North American forest products industry identify and mitigate its effects on the environment.
How Rolland Uses Sustainability to Spread the Word About Paper
When it comes to the modern office, many people think going "paperless" is one way to reduce their environmental impact and save money. On closer examination, however, paperless is not necessarily a realistic or a "greener" option; in fact, a careful approach to paper sourcing can be better—not only for our planet, but for a company's bottom line.
RISI's 2018 Power List: Sneak Peek
The year marks the 11th Top 50 Power List. In this exclusive Ahead of the Curve sneak peek, we give you a glimpse of the top players. The full list appears only in Paper360°'s July/August issue, which is due to hit desktops this week in both print and electronic versions.
Driving' Innovation in Biomaterials: The Biofore Concept Car
Looking around the average home, school, office, or hospital, you will find scores of everyday items made in full or part from renewable forest products-based materials. But have you thought about checking the garage?
Congratulations, You're a Reliability Engineer: Now What? Part 2: Maintenance Management Concept
So you spent four or five years becoming competent in your profession (or maybe even 25 to 30 years). You saw a job opening for a reliability engineer and it looked like a good fit, so you applied, interviewed, and got it—only to find out that your company does not really define what a reliability engineer is. Now what do you do?
Not Just Paper… A Look at Alternative Uses for Wood Fiber
There's a common misconception that wood fiber is solely used to create paper and paper products. But this versatile material has plenty of other uses and can turn up in the most unlikely of places—pharmaceuticals, cellophane, sponges, even sausage casings. With many traditional products being scrutinized for their environmental impact, manufacturers and retailers are increasingly turning towards wood-based materials to provide a more sustainable alternative. Here are just five.
Will Paper Come Back to the Future?
A Pew (Washington, DC) survey on science and technology from earlier in the decade found that there's one area where often pessimistic US. citizens (according to the results of other polls about the future) claim they see a "brighter" future: More than 60 percent of Americans think our future will be at least partly free of paper.
Europe Aims for 74 Percent Paper Recycling
The success of TAPPI's annual PaperCon event is largely due to the working professionals who plan the technical program. These volunteer leaders rely on their industry experience to create a program that actively addresses the critical issues attendees face on their jobs every day. We're pleased to offer a series of interviews with these leaders, to bring their expertise to a wider audience through Ahead of the Curve.
Modern Communication Technologies Driving Changes in Analog and Digital Printing
The role of print is changing due to the impact of the Internet and mobile connectivity on the way businesses and individuals communicate and access information. This affects traditional printing (changing expectations of speed, relevance, and degree of interactivity) and is driving growth in digital printing.
Enlist Opinion Leaders to make change happpen
Many people believe you must persuade the majority for change to occur. This is a myth. Instead, we should focus our efforts on a small but influential subgroup known as Opinion Leaders to get a new idea adopted.
Safety: A Call to Action
During the recent Pulp & Paper Safety Association (PPSA) meeting in San Antonio, TX, a Call to Action Panel discussed the possibility of what could be seen as a sea change in the safety arena: to stop using the recordable incident rate as the be all and end all of how to judge safety performance.

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