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Showing 1–20 of 384 results
Standards development: Authors and reviewers welcome
This article originally appeared in the July, 2021 issue of TAPPI Journal, a monthly publication of peer-reviewed research for TAPPI members.News
Oji further restructures its Japanese packaging business
Oji Holdings, the diversified Japanese-based paper and forestry group, has in the last few weeks announced further steps in an ongoing restructuring of their business portfolio. Three paper machines, namely PM 10 in Fuji #2 mill and the #B-1 and #B-2 paper machines in Tokai Fujinomiya, will terminate production. The production of corrugated medium on PM 10 will be taken over by PM #N-1 in Fuji Oji Paper mill (aka Fuji #1). PM #N-1 which is currently idle will be rebuilt before resuming production. The white board part of the production output from PMs #B-1 and #B-2 will be transferred to other sites within the group.News
LIVE from TAPPICon Live!
Keynoter Elizabeth McCormick fires up attendees; extra precautions, including wristbands indicating social distancing preferences, helped attendees feel at ease; Jan Bottiglieri interviews a podcast guest live at the event.News
Record attendance at BDC Spring Symposium in Maine
The Bioenergy Deployment Consortium (BDC) had record attendance at its Spring Symposium held in Bangor, Maine, April 7–9, as about 50 members and guests met to tour and learn more about the Old Town Fuel and Fiber’s (OTFF) upcoming commercial plant to be built on site, and be updated on commercial progress in the bio-industry.News
Putting the ‘Pro’ in ‘Protege’
TAPPI’s ‘Mentor Match’ program is making a difference for young professionals in our industry. Should protégé enrollment be part of YOUR company’s onboarding experience? Is your mill or company interested in strategies for retaining the best and brightest new hires? Building leadership skills, gaining process knowledge, and collecting sage advice are all benefits associated with having a mentor. Mentors can also help their protégés gain that almost intangible “feel for the industry” that can lead to higher job success and satisfaction—two keys to employee retention.News
CEPI’s New Director General: ‘A Remarkable Industry’
BY MARK RUSHTON The Confederation of European Paper industries (CEPI) has been working hard on behalf of the industry—particularly in lobbying on the major issues in the European parliament—for the last 25 years. CEPI will hold its 25th Anniversary event in the city of Brussels in November this year. Sylvain Lhôte joined CEPI as Director General in November last year.News
Is Employee Cynicism Killing Your Culture?
Mocking irony, snark, and cynicism are very much in vogue, but they are also toxic to your company’s culture. Most of us can agree that cynicism is ugly.News
RBI Merges imagination with ingenuity in lignocellulosics development
Cellulose, nature's most abundant polymer, is sustainable, renewable, and recyclable. Lignin is a valuable chemical feedstock. Both are found in grasses, trees and agricultural biomass and are building blocks of food, clothing, packaging, coatings and composites, medicine and biomedical products, cosmetics, soaps, paint, aerogels, impact-resistant plastics, and biofuels.News
American Process Inc. announces partnership to develop ultra-strong, lightweight automotive components using nanocellulose
American Process Inc. (Atlanta, GA) and Futuris Automotive (Melbourne, Australia) recently formed a partnership with researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, Clark Atlanta University, Swinburne University of Technology, and the USDA’s Forest Products Laboratory, to develop ultra-strong, lightweight automotive structural components reinforced with nanocellulose.News
Report says print buyers want more attention from the paper industry
Today’s corporate and agency print buyers are also specifiers of paper for their commercial print jobs.News
Millicent mill sets best practice for global company
“It is tough being a manufacturer in Australia at the moment," according to Scott Whicker, Mill Manager of the Kimberly-Clark Millicent Mill located in Mount Gambier in [Australia's] southeast.News
Engineered Softwood Could Transform Pulp, Paper, Biofuel Industries
April 20, 2015. Scientists today demonstrated the potential for softwoods to process more easily into pulp and paper if engineered to incorporate a key feature of hardwoods.News
Mohawk CEO Presents Story of Ingenuity and Growth at Paper Cluster Meeting
The New England Paper Cluster’s Growth Strategies Reception and Dinner on June 22, 2015, in Springfield, MA, brought together 70 paper industry executives from New England to learn best practices and discuss strategies for growing the industry.News
New report looks at Second-Generation Biofuels
What challenges will the future bring for producers of second-generation biofuels? Could Brexit effect biofuel production in the UK or elsewhere in the EU? Which statutes currently regulate biofuel production in the US, and what are the EPA target goals?News
Knowledge and involvement: One young professional’s story
Working as a corrugated professional was not top-of-mind for Josh Reich when he first attended Ohio University as a candidate for a B.B.A. in Marketing and Sales. But it definitely was by the time he completed his M.B.A. in 2015. That’s because between his sophomore and junior years he took a summer job at Greif in Massillon, OH. He’s never looked back.News
Sustainable fuel takes flight
Alaska Airlines recently became the first to fly jets fueld by alcohol-to-jet fuel (ATJ) made from sustainable US corn. The two flights departed from Seattle’s Sea-Tac Airport and flew to San Francisco International Airport and Ronald Reagan Washington (DC) National Airport using ATJ fuel produced by Gevo, Inc. Alcohol-to-jet biofuel was approved for use by ASTM International in March 2016, and is the first aviation biofuel to be certified and approved since 2011.News
Celebrating National Forest Products Week
“Whereas the bounty of our forest and timber lands provides our people with a source of strength and pride; and Whereas as a major renewable resource, supported by the science of modern forestry, wood offers the availability and abundance to satisfy the Nation’s ever growing needs for many products—lumber, paper, building materials, chemicals, furniture, and cloth—all dedicated to improving the lives of our people…”News
Notes from Rio
By Marcello Collares, Fisher International I have been watching the Olympics along with everyone else in Brazil and around the world. As announcers tally the successes of each nation’s athletes, I hear the same country names that we regularly associate with success in the paper industry. Recently I found myself running to my FisherSolveTM database to answer questions that popped into my head about pulp and paper production in various regions of the world. In the spirit of the Olympics (and because I suspect I’m not the only one in the industry with an inquiring impulse about paper), here are some data and statistics about the nexus of international accomplishments in Olympic medals and the paper industry.News
TAPPI Committee Develops ‘Power’ Tools for Mills
Could your mill benefit from expert tools for power and recovery boiler operators and engineers? TAPPI TIPs (Technical Information Papers), which are developed by TAPPI committees, bring together experts from pulp mills, suppliers, and scientists to develop state-of-the-art guidelines and best practices for key industry processes.News
Wood you believe it? Earth has 3 trillion trees!
Three trillion. That's the staggering number of trees on Earth, according to a new tally that astounds even the scientists who compiled it.Inside this Section
- TAPPI Journal Awards Two Best Research Papers for 2020
- New TAPPI Board of Directors and Officers Announced
- TAPPI Announces 2020 Engineering Division Technical Award and Beloit Prize Winner
- TAPPI Academy Announces Addition of Web and Winding Courses to eLearning Offerings
- TAPPI Announces Cash Prize to Accompany TAPPI Journal Best Research Paper Award
- Master Papermaking Additives to Gain Competitive Advantage and Better Meet Customers’ Needs
- Film Extrusion Manual, Third Edition Now Available from TAPPI Press
- TAPPI Selects Fellows and Outstanding Young Professionals for 2020
- TAPPI Awards Highest Honors for 2020
- Guidelines for Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers Now Available from TAPPI Press
- Kraft Recovery Boilers, Third Edition Now Available From TAPPI Press
- Black Liquor Evaporation Now Available from TAPPI Press
- Lime Kilns and Recausticizing: The Forgotten Part of a Kraft Mill Now Available from TAPPI Press
- TAPPI Foundation Awards 2021-2022 Scholarships
- Two Major Training Events for the Pulp and Paper Industry Set for January 10 – 13, 2022 in St. Petersburg, Florida
- Interactive Panel Provides Perspectives on 2025 Sustainability Initiatives In the Flexible Packaging Industry
- Introducing TAPPI’s Newest Directors
- WestRock’s Director-Research and Innovation Named Recipient of TAPPI’s 2022 Gunnar Nicholson Gold Medal Award
- John Neun Named Recipient of 2022 Herman L. Joachim Distinguished Service Award
- Paul W. Magnabosco Outstanding Local Section Award
- TAPPI Selects Fellows and Outstanding Young Professionals for 2022
- TAPPI Journal Awards Best Research Paper for 2021
- Chairman and CEO of Green Bay Packaging Inc. Receives TAPPI/PIMA 2022 Executive of the Year Award
- New Handbook Assists Paper Mills to Achieve Efficient Operation through Utilization of Process Chemicals
- Innovation to Take Center Stage at Biennial European PLACE Conference
- TAPPI European PLACE Conference Offers Valuable Educational and Networking Opportunities
- Education and Networking to Take Center Stage at Fiberglass Mat Event
- Chemical Recovery in the Alkaline Pulping Processes, Fourth Edition Now Available from TAPPI Press
- TAPPI Journal Announces New Editorial Board Members
- TAPPI Announces New Directors and Officers of the Board
- North Carolina State University’s Professor and Buckman Distinguished Scientist Named Recipient of TAPPI’s 2023 Gunnar Nicholson Gold Medal Award
- Brian N. Brogdon Honored with TAPPI’s 2023 Herman L. Joachim Distinguished Service Award
- TAPPI Selects Fellows and Outstanding Young Professionals for 2023
- TAPPI Journal Awards Best Research Papers for 2022
- President and CEO of Stora Enso Receives TAPPI/PIMA 2023 Executive of the Year Award
- Industry News
- April 2019 Committee of the Month - Runnability Planning Committee
- Mentor Match Signup - Spring 2019
- A Guide to the Nanotechnology used in the Average Home
- 65 North American Companies Remove Go Paperless - Go Green Claims
- 5,000 journals articles and conference papers now available to search
- 2017 starts with sales soaring for paper diaries, notebooks and planners
- 20 never seen before packaging designs
- Better Together Podcast