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Showing 241–260 of 384 results
A Perennial Problem Solved
Editor's note: This article appears in the current May/June 2018 issue of Paper360°. View the entire issue in its interactive, mobile-device-compatible new format here.)
US Paper and Wood Products Manufacturers Report Sustainability Progress
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) has released its 2018 Sustainability Report, which highlights the US pulp, paper, packaging, tissue, and wood products manufacturing industry's contributions to sustainability across the value chain, including members' progress toward achieving the Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability goals. One of the report's main findings: Two of the six sustainability goals have been achieved ahead of the original 2020 deadline.
Neenah Inc.'s Whiting Mill Gets 50001 Ready
Does your mill need to improve its energy management system? The US Department of Energy (DOE) has established its 50001 Ready protocol to help mills create a structured energy program that can help facilities, including pulp and paper mills, reduce operational costs and improve risk management, among other benefits.
Threads of Nanocellulose Stronger Than Spider Silk
"Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Groot?" RISE Researcher Karl Håkansson discussing his groundbreaking work in nanocellulose fibrils. That's the opening query of a presentation by Karl Håkansson, a scientist at the Swedish research organization RISE. According to an article in the recent RISE Newsletter, Håkansson has earned RISE the European Award Blue Sky Young Researchers Innovation Award for its pioneering research into how nanocellulose can answer this engaging question.
Will Sustainability Disrupt Barrier Coating Manufacturing?
According to a recent Smithers Pira report, sustainability efforts are having a major effect on barrier coating technologies.
What is the Most Valuable Piece of Paper?
How long does it take to make a piece of paper? Well, in 2011, the world's largest, fastest woodfree-producing paper machine was started-up at the Zhanjiang Chenming mill in China. In November 2012, the recorded speed on the Valmet machine was 1,808 m/min. That's FAST! But at this time of year, we're likely to be thinking of a certain piece of paper that takes most people at least FOUR YEARS to make, but which may be the single most valuable piece of paper they ever own: a diploma.
Europe Invests Billions in Bioeconomy
With growing global backlash again fossil-fuel dependence—for both environmental sustainability and political stability—the formation of a robust bioeconomy has moved from idea to reality. Taking the lead on bioeconomy development, European scientific, academic, and governmental communities have worked together to create a partnership worth more than US$4 billion.
Can Plastic Go Green?
This article originally appeared on Science|Business Publishing, a news and media organization that brings together a network of universities, companies, and research and policy organizations that creates a uniquely powerful forum for driving innovation forward. This article was written in partnership with The Estonian Research Council and the European Research Development Fund (ERDF). It is shared here with permission.
Digital or Paper? Campaign Fights for Right to Choose
Do you prefer to receive important documents digitally or on paper? It may be a strange question to ask in an electronic newsletter like Ahead of the Curve! Yet—as reported recently in TAPPI's Over the Wire (which is also an e-newsletter)—the right for consumers to choose a preference is important for our industry.
Changing Times in Tissue
This article excerpt is based on an exclusive interview that TAPPI conducted with Brian Dietz, Cascades Tissue Group. It originally ran in the most recent issue of Tissue360° magazine.
Buzz Worthy Print Beats Digital in Influence
Is it possible that print magazines have more clout than their digital counterparts? Oh yes. A new study finds that print still ranks highest when it comes to generating word-of-mouth buzz.
Nonwoven’s next act
BY SESHADRI RAMKUMAR What drives the nonwovens sector? Consumer goods that enhance health and improve lifestyles. Products such as diapers, wipes, and hospital goods have been the main pillars of the industry. In addition, nonwovens are used in semi-durable and durable goods, such as products for construction, infrastructure, and automobiles, to name a few.
Award Spotlights Innovations in Cellulosic Applications
BY MARK RUSHTON AND JAN BOTTIGLIERI A new award category in the prestigious annual PPI Awards competition is designed to honor industry innovation. For this inaugural run, the judges have selected five project finalists that expand the limits of what can be done with renewable cellulosic materials.
Survey Will Spark New Standards For Tissue and Towel
As the global population continues to expand, the tissue sector (along with packaging) has been a top performer among pulp and paper industry grades. Demand for tissue and towel products, in both the at-home and away-from-home markets, continues to grow. A report from paper industry intelligence provider Fisher International predicts that, by 2025, the global tissue industry will have more than 1000 newly-built tissue machines producing a wide variety of tissue and towel products.
Ready to Compete for Another Century
BY GRAEME RODDEN Note: The full version of this article will appear in the forthcoming September/October issue of Paper360°. This excerpt is offered here as a “sneak peek” for AoTC readers.
PaperChase is More Than Fun
For more than 30 years, the PaperChase Fun Run, in one form or another, has been an annual event held at a TAPPI Conference. Runners, walkers, and supporters from every area of the pulp and paper industry have come together to raise scholarship funds for deserving engineering students in our industry. Ahead of the Curve would like to share some of the history of the event—to thank the hundreds who have made their mark while making a difference.
The Three-Leader Litmus Test
S. ERIC CHRISTENSEN, Ed.D. What is the real definition of successful organizational change? Efforts to evaluate organizational change initiatives focus on quantitative metrics. A “hard number” states unequivocally that targets are exceeded, met, or not met relative to a specific time period. Engineers and financial professionals are especially enamored of this approach. Metrics are comfortable, convenient, and necessary… but do not even come close to effectively grading the value of any given change initiative.
DoE Funds Biofuels Research
The Department of Energy has announced funding for new research centers to accelerate the development of specialty plants and processes for a new generation of biofuels and bioproducts, according to press information released Monday.
National Labs explore energy-efficient solutions for paper industry
Researchers at two national laboratories are developing new computer simulations that could help papermakers improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs. The project is part of the Department of Energy’s HPC4Mfg initiative, a multi-lab effort to use high-performance computing to address complex challenges in US manufacturing. Project outcomes could have significant benefits; the papermaking industry ranks third among the nation’s largest energy users, behind only petroleum-refining and chemical production, according to the US Energy Information Administration.
Sack and kraft packaging demand is shifting to consumer application
JOHN NELSON World demand for sack and kraft paper used in packaging is set for healthy annual growth of three percent across the next five years, according to the latest exclusive research from Smithers Pira.

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