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Showing 21–40 of 28 results
Women in Manufacturing: Making an Impact
The Manufacturing Institute, Deloitte and APICS have released a study titled “Women in Manufacturing: Stepping up to make an impact that matters.”
APPI plants trees to commemorate its 100th anniversary
To help celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2015, TAPPI, along with RockTenn, Valmet, TREES Atlanta, and members of the Dekalb County community, planted 100 trees in Decatur, Georgia.
TAPPI's southeast Ambassador's program identifies knowledge that pulp mills need
Earlier this year, TAPPI members and staff visited several pulp mills in the southeastern U.S., as part of the TAPPI Ambassador program.
Latest NPTA Quarterly Paper Industry Economic Outlook Report Provides Insights on 2015 and Beyond
NPTA, the association for the paper distribution channel, recently released the winter 2015 Quarterly Paper Industry Economic Outlook Report which included macroeconomic data to specific product categories directly related to the paper, print and publishing industries.
Best Papers highlight new research in Coating & Graphic Arts, Process Control
By Monica Shaw (The following is excerpted from the June, 2017 issue of TAPPI Journal, an industry-leading peer-reviewed research publication available every month to TAPPI members.)
Four technologies poised to disrupt the specialty paper market
In its latest research, Smithers Pira has identified four novel technologies that are set to increase capacity and enable new product opportunities for manufacturers of specialty papers across the next five years. The new report—The Future of Speciality Papers to 2022—provides a comprehensive overview of this important sector of the paper industry. It incorporates both higher volume applications, like flexible packaging and label stocks, and more niche segments like electrical insulation, filtration, and security papers.
Paper and paperboard demand forecast to grow by nearly a fifth by 2030
World demand for paper and paperboard is forecast to grow to 482 million tons in 2030, or 1.1 per cent per year, according to a new global paper market study, World Paper Markets up to 2030, by Pöyry Management Consulting.
Moving maintenance from reactive to proactive
My experience has taught me that most folks working in the pulp and paper industry don't have an understanding of what it takes to change a reactive maintenance department to a proactive and reliable one.
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