Showing 1–10 of 19 results
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TAPPI Selects Fellows and Outstanding Young Professionals for 2023
Recognizing extraordinary contributors and emerging leadersTAPPI News

Don’t Miss the Special Barrier Coating Issue of TAPPI Journal
TAPPI Journal grants the industry immediate access to the latest industry research. Share your cutting-edge forest products researchNews

TAPPI Selects Fellows and Outstanding Young Professionals for 2020
Recognizing extraordinary contributors and emerging leaders.TAPPI News

Do You Know Students Looking for Scholarship Money?
Remind your co-op students and interns about the February 15 application deadline for TAPPI Scholarships.News

Give the Gift of Recognition
Commend your colleagues for their contributions to TAPPI and the industry by nominating them for a TAPPI Division Award.TAPPI News

Fiscal Year End Shut Down for Inventory Counting Announcement
Fiscal Year End Shut Down for Inventory Counting Announcement Fiscal Year End Shut Down for Inventory Counting Announcement TAPPI will be performing its fiscal year-end inventory audit startingNews

New TAPPI Board of Directors and Officers Announced
New Board Members include representatives from Essity, Voith Paper North America, University of Wisconsin-Stephens Point, and former president of Cascades GroupTAPPI News

The Sometimes Unsung Leaders of TAPPI
The Sometimes Unsung Leaders of TAPPI I have to be one of the most blessed people on the face of the earth. I get to go to work each day in an industry where I always wanted to work, at anTAPPI News

Application Deadline Approaching for TAPPI’s New Diversity Scholarships
October 7 is the final day for underrepresented students in the pulp, paper, tissue, packaging and converting industry to apply for three $1,000 scholarshipsTAPPI News