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Paper360° Website

Showing 81–100 of 443 results
Canadian Paper and Paper-based Packaging Industry Sustainability
This article was originally published by Two Sides and is excerpted here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it. Read the entire article at
Global Trade after COVID: Out of the frying pan ... Into the fire?
In its March, 2021 Trade and Development Report update, the United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) takes an in-depth look at a variety of lasting impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global economy.
Scaling up a new way to produce biomass
The innovative London-based company Lixea has a new and revolutionary method of separating different types of biomass.
Pulp in a Frenzy
Growth, inflation and uncertainly mark the industry’s global outlook; but markets should loosen in early 2018, according to this article from the forthcoming January/February issue of Paper360°. The article is excerpted here as a “sneak peek” for Ahead of the Curve readers.
2020 Power List Sneak Peek
2020 Power List Sneak Peek
Innovation Breeds Disruption
The annual PEERS Conference was held in Norfolk, VA, in early November. Opening keynote speaker Robert Tiede, executive vice president and COO of Sonoco, set the stage early for an excellent conference with a thought-provoking talk about disruption.
Newest Directors on Addressing TAPPI’s Critical Needs
n February 2018, TAPPI welcomes three new board members to its roster. Each year, a nominating committee nominates three incoming Directors to serve three-year terms. (see sidebar). We asked these three newest directors to provide insight into the critical needs of the association, and how they hope to address that need in their leadership position on TAPPI’s Board. Their answers below provide a look into a dynamic and growing association.
Leadership in Reliability & Maintenance: The Operations and Maintenance Partnership
Editor’s note: This article is from the inaugural edition of the new Reliability & Maintenance section of Paper360°, created in partnership with IDCON. TAPPI and IDCON will be expanding this partnership to also deliver a free newsletter, online communities, events, and this dedicated R&M website with valuable additional content.
Vision Quest: What You Get is Rarely What You Need
Have you ever been a part of a visioning exercise? If the answer is yes, then raise your hand. I am sure a whole bunch of hands went up. If you have been part of an organization, work system, or department for longer than a year the real answer to this question is—everyone. Why is this done? What is the reason?
Euro CEO of the Year Miles Roberts: ‘Packaging has Never Been More Relevant’
The following is an excerpt from an exclusive interview that will appear in the March/April issue of Paper360° magazine. It is offered here as a special “sneak peek” for AOTC readers.
Our Carbon Footprint: How do paper products fit in?
A household carbon footprint refers to the overall amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by all the energy and materials consumed by those who live in a home as they go about their daily lives. It is a common measure of the contribution of a single household to climate change.
Three Reasons Why India’s Paper Industry Hasn’t Boomed
Three Reasons Why India’s Paper Industry Hasn’t Boomed
Can We Capture and Use the CO2 From Bioenergy?
Can We Capture and Use the CO2 From Bioenergy?
‘Connect’ Q&A: Why Did You Join the P&P Industry?
‘Connect’ Q&A: Why Did You Join the P&P Industry?
Paper and Packaging: A Mothers' Day Essential
Here at Ahead of the Curve we're great believers in the power of paper and packaging to improve our everyday lives. After all, our readers are the women and men who make paper possible! With Mother's Day approaching (Sunday, May 13), we have rounded up some of the ways that this heartfelt holiday simply wouldn't be the same without paper and packaging.
Spotlight on Young Professionals
Workforce development issues are always top-of-mind for pulp and papermakers. In the face of the "silver tsunami" of retiring workers—especially in the manufacturing sector—attracting and hiring the best and brightest will be critical to our industry's future.
Vision Quest, Part 3: Serial Vision
The problem with Vision is spelled out in my previous article, Vision Quest, Part 1: What You Get is Rarely What You Need. I wrote, "Most Visions (are) nothing more than a meaningless poster on the wall!" Until the problem is recognized, identified, and owned, nothing ever changes.
Exhibit Spotlights Printing and Papermaking
Readers may recall our Ahead of the Curve article from November 1, 2017, which reported on a special project underway at The National Museum of Industrial History (NMIH). The project included plans to restore a rare 1933 miniature paper machine as part of a larger exhibit on the importance of printing and its role in spreading knowledge throughout the world.
Recognizing Emerging Industry Leaders
Each year, TAPPI recognizes aspiring young leaders in the paper, packaging, tissue, and related industries in its Young Professionals of the Year awards. Eligible nominees can be up to age 35 with no more than 10 years of industry experience who have made significant contributions in the areas of Leadership, Community Service, or Problem Solving Contributions to Scientific or Engineering Projects.
Will China's Recovered Paper Problem Become Your Problem?
Note: This article appears in the Sep/Oct issue of Paper360° and is provided here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it. View the entire issue here in the magazine's mobile device-friendly format.

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