Showing 1,771–1,780 of 1,840 results


China’s Recovered Paper Import Demand Over the Next Five Years: Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
After falling continuously in 2013 and 2014, Chinese recovered paper imports rebounded by about 6% from 27.5 million metric tons in 2014 to 29 million metric tons in 2015, just slightly less than the peak level of 30 million metric tons in 2012. More than 55% of the import increase came from Western Europe, while the United States accounted for only 20% of China’s import growth.
Attracting Engineering Grads
It’s spring and that means days are getting warmer, nights are getting shorter, and flowers are blooming; it also means thousands of soon-to-be engineers are looking for jobs. Before hiring a young engineer they must first know about your organization.
Is Your Pizza Box Trying to Kill You?
By Jan Bottiglieri, Editorial Director, Paper360° On the last day of 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a notification titled “Update on Perfluorinated Grease-proofing Agents.” The FDA also published a press release with the headline “FDA Revokes Food Additive Approval for the Use of Long-Chain Perfluorinated Compounds as Oil and Water Repellents for Paper Used in Food Packaging.”
Human Capital: The New Metric to Measure
Human Capital: The New Metric to Measure
Lignin Research Yields Additional Answers into Bacteria’s Role
Lignin Research Yields Additional Answers into Bacteria’s Role
Your Dangerous, Wandering, and Distracted Mind
Your Dangerous, Wandering, and Distracted Mind
Five Major Trends in Biobased Renewables
Five Major Trends in Biobased Renewables
Ford goes further with renewable nanomaterials
The following article will appear in the May/June issue of Paper360°, and is offered as a special "sneak peek" for AoTC readers. To hear Dr. Kiziltas' keynote presentation, attend the TAPPI Nano Conference.
NCASI: The Past, Present, and Future of Clean Air and Water
As we begin celebration of the 75th anniversary of the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), it seems appropriate to take stock of the history of the organization and the role it has played in helping the North American forest products industry identify and mitigate its effects on the environment.

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