Ahead of the Curve
Your weekly installment of new knowledge, sponsored by Valmet. Each week’s e-newsletter brings you one featured article, selected by TAPPI’s editors, on new research, business/technology trends, industry markets, or upcoming events – a range of topics geared toward industry professionals. You’ll also get a pulp and paper industry-specific article from the tech experts at Valmet. With more than 27,000 subscribers, Ahead of the Curve delivers engaging info that readers can use today to prepare for tomorrow.
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View the archive of Ahead of the Curve Articles below from the latest article all the way to the first release in January of 2012.
Showing 121–130 of 384 results

Manufacturing 4.0: Is US Industry Lagging Behind?
At the 2019 Manufacturing Leadership Summit in June, John Fleming, chairman of the Manufacturing Leadership Council's Board of Governors and former executive vice president of global manufacturing and labor affairs for Ford Motor Co., answered a critical question for manufacturing executives: Is US industry lagging behind in its adoption of Manufacturing 4.0?News

Facing the Market
Editor's Note: This is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the May/June issue of Paper360°, and is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it. Find the complete article at www.paper360.tappi.org.)News

Europe Invests Billions in Bioeconomy
With growing global backlash again fossil-fuel dependence—for both environmental sustainability and political stability—the formation of a robust bioeconomy has moved from idea to reality. Taking the lead on bioeconomy development, European scientific, academic, and governmental communities have worked together to create a partnership worth more than US$4 billion.News

What is the Most Valuable Piece of Paper?
How long does it take to make a piece of paper? Well, in 2011, the world's largest, fastest woodfree-producing paper machine was started-up at the Zhanjiang Chenming mill in China. In November 2012, the recorded speed on the Valmet machine was 1,808 m/min. That's FAST! But at this time of year, we're likely to be thinking of a certain piece of paper that takes most people at least FOUR YEARS to make, but which may be the single most valuable piece of paper they ever own: a diploma.News

Modern Communication Technologies Driving Changes in Analog and Digital Printing
The role of print is changing due to the impact of the Internet and mobile connectivity on the way businesses and individuals communicate and access information. This affects traditional printing (changing expectations of speed, relevance, and degree of interactivity) and is driving growth in digital printing.News

Reinvention brings rewards for Cascades Sonoco
Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from an article in the forthcoming issue of Paper360°, and is offered here as an exclusive "sneak peek" for Ahead of the Curve readers. Read the full article in the May/June issue this week at paper360.tappi.org.News

A Strong Family Business Perseveres
This article is from the most recent issue of Tissue360°, and is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it. To view the entire issue, visit https://www.tissue360-digital.com.)News

A Strong Family Business Perseveres
This article is from the most recent issue of Tissue360°, and is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it. To view the entire issue, visit https://www.tissue360-digital.com.)News

When Planning & Scheduling May Not Be the Problem
I often ask my kids, "What did you learn at school today?" and they universally reply, "Nothing." My son is about to graduate high school; according to him, he has learned "nothing" in the last 12 years.News

Paper Archives Bring Distillery Back to Life
If it weren't for paper archives, Nelson's Green Brier Distillery in Nashville, TN would be nothing but a memory. This recent post on the Newsroom page of Domtar Paper Company (https://newsroom.domtar.com/paper-archives-distillery/) illustrates how paper can play a pivotal role in reconstructing history.Inside this Section
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