Ahead of the Curve
Your weekly installment of new knowledge, sponsored by Valmet. Each week’s e-newsletter brings you one featured article, selected by TAPPI’s editors, on new research, business/technology trends, industry markets, or upcoming events – a range of topics geared toward industry professionals. You’ll also get a pulp and paper industry-specific article from the tech experts at Valmet. With more than 27,000 subscribers, Ahead of the Curve delivers engaging info that readers can use today to prepare for tomorrow.
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View the archive of Ahead of the Curve Articles below from the latest article all the way to the first release in January of 2012.

Recognizing Emerging Industry Leaders
Each year, TAPPI recognizes aspiring young leaders in the paper, packaging, tissue, and related industries in its Young Professionals of the Year awards. Eligible nominees can be up to age 35 with no more than 10 years of industry experience who have made significant contributions in the areas of Leadership, Community Service, or Problem Solving Contributions to Scientific or Engineering Projects.News

A Perennial Problem Solved
Editor's note: This article appears in the current May/June 2018 issue of Paper360°. View the entire issue in its interactive, mobile-device-compatible new format here.)News

Exhibit Spotlights Printing and Papermaking
Readers may recall our Ahead of the Curve article from November 1, 2017, which reported on a special project underway at The National Museum of Industrial History (NMIH). The project included plans to restore a rare 1933 miniature paper machine as part of a larger exhibit on the importance of printing and its role in spreading knowledge throughout the world.News

How Rolland Uses Sustainability to Spread the Word About Paper
When it comes to the modern office, many people think going "paperless" is one way to reduce their environmental impact and save money. On closer examination, however, paperless is not necessarily a realistic or a "greener" option; in fact, a careful approach to paper sourcing can be better—not only for our planet, but for a company's bottom line.News

NCASI: The Past, Present, and Future of Clean Air and Water
As we begin celebration of the 75th anniversary of the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), it seems appropriate to take stock of the history of the organization and the role it has played in helping the North American forest products industry identify and mitigate its effects on the environment.News

Vision Quest, Part 3: Serial Vision
The problem with Vision is spelled out in my previous article, Vision Quest, Part 1: What You Get is Rarely What You Need. I wrote, "Most Visions (are) nothing more than a meaningless poster on the wall!" Until the problem is recognized, identified, and owned, nothing ever changes.News

Canadian Newsprint Tariffs Taking a Toll
This article also appeared in TAPPI's Over the Wire newsletter on May 14, 2018, and is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it.News

Spotlight on Young Professionals
Workforce development issues are always top-of-mind for pulp and papermakers. In the face of the "silver tsunami" of retiring workers—especially in the manufacturing sector—attracting and hiring the best and brightest will be critical to our industry's future.News

Paper and Packaging: A Mothers' Day Essential
Here at Ahead of the Curve we're great believers in the power of paper and packaging to improve our everyday lives. After all, our readers are the women and men who make paper possible! With Mother's Day approaching (Sunday, May 13), we have rounded up some of the ways that this heartfelt holiday simply wouldn't be the same without paper and packaging.News

Ford goes further with renewable nanomaterials
The following article will appear in the May/June issue of Paper360°, and is offered as a special "sneak peek" for AoTC readers. To hear Dr. Kiziltas' keynote presentation, attend the TAPPI Nano Conference.Inside this Section
- Coating and Graphic Arts
- Corrugated Packaging
- Engineering
- Independent Technical Committees
- Nonwovens, Engineers and Technologists (NET)
- International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division
- Nanotechnology
- Paper and Board
- PIMA Management
- Process and Product Quality
- Process Control
- Pulp Manufacture
- Tissue Division
- Women in Industry
- Young Professionals