Ahead of the Curve
Your weekly installment of new knowledge, sponsored by Valmet. Each week’s e-newsletter brings you one featured article, selected by TAPPI’s editors, on new research, business/technology trends, industry markets, or upcoming events – a range of topics geared toward industry professionals. You’ll also get a pulp and paper industry-specific article from the tech experts at Valmet. With more than 27,000 subscribers, Ahead of the Curve delivers engaging info that readers can use today to prepare for tomorrow.
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View the archive of Ahead of the Curve Articles below from the latest article all the way to the first release in January of 2012.

Newest Directors on Addressing TAPPI’s Critical Needs
n February 2018, TAPPI welcomes three new board members to its roster. Each year, a nominating committee nominates three incoming Directors to serve three-year terms. (see sidebar). We asked these three newest directors to provide insight into the critical needs of the association, and how they hope to address that need in their leadership position on TAPPI’s Board. Their answers below provide a look into a dynamic and growing association.News

Innovation Breeds Disruption
The annual PEERS Conference was held in Norfolk, VA, in early November. Opening keynote speaker Robert Tiede, executive vice president and COO of Sonoco, set the stage early for an excellent conference with a thought-provoking talk about disruption.News

The Credibility of Print: An interview with Phil Riebel
While the digital revolution is changing the way people learn, work, pay and play, print is still a preferred choice for many aspects of American life. New research shows that the perception of information credibility increases with print, and that people find reading on paper more enjoyable than reading on digital devices.News

The Chinese ban on recovered paper imports: An international disruption
Mountains of paper grow on the docks of Hong Kong, waiting to enter China. Elderly paper collectors in Hong Kong lose income because they cannot find buyers for their baskets full of used boxes. A German shipper no longer accepts paper shipments bound for China. Old corrugated cardboard (OCC) prices in Arkansas drop by US$50/ton. From New Zealand to Great Britain, and everywhere in between, the disruption of fiber flow into China continues to shake the world of recovered paper.News

What are the benefits of a forest-based bioeconomy?
According to a January 4, 2018 press release from Science|Business (a European network of universities, companies, and research and policy organizations), the benefits of a forest-based bioeconomy are wide-reaching—and in the EU, ongoing research will drive innovation and markets.News

Pulp in a Frenzy
Growth, inflation and uncertainly mark the industry’s global outlook; but markets should loosen in early 2018, according to this article from the forthcoming January/February issue of Paper360°. The article is excerpted here as a “sneak peek” for Ahead of the Curve readers.News

Holiday Gift Book Guide for Papermakers
Each year through the entire month of December, we are inundated with “Holiday Gift Guides” touting perfect presents for almost everyone on your shopping list. Yet there is one special group of people I rarely see addressed specifically: papermakers, and those who support them. A one-year membership in the Jelly of the Month club might be fine for all the Clark Griswolds in your life, but what about the millwrights, service reps, superintendents, team leaders, project managers—everyone from the mill floor to the C-suite offices who dedicate their careers to producing the pulp, paper, and packaging that improve our lives?News

Need Change Management Help – Who Do You Call?
In almost every job description for Change Management consultants is a statement about having a certification in one of the major “Change Methodologies.” This makes sense, right? But in the real world, not so much.News

Fish, Wildlife, and Bioenergy: The Opportunities
Fish, wildlife, and the habitats they depend on not only enrich our lives, they support our economy as well. Every year, outdoor recreation contributes US$887 billion to the US economy and supports 7.6 million jobs—1 in 20 of all US jobs. Hunting, fishing, and other wildlife-dependent recreation alone generates US$93.4 billion per year in America.News

Market and technology developments for paper and board coatings
Functional and barrier (F&B) coatings are an exciting area of development for the paper and board markets—offering enhanced functions, performance, and driving growth in particular end use markets.Inside this Section
- Coating and Graphic Arts
- Corrugated Packaging
- Engineering
- Independent Technical Committees
- Nonwovens, Engineers and Technologists (NET)
- International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division
- Nanotechnology
- Paper and Board
- PIMA Management
- Process and Product Quality
- Process Control
- Pulp Manufacture
- Tissue Division
- Women in Industry
- Young Professionals