Ahead of the Curve
Your weekly installment of new knowledge, sponsored by Valmet. Each week’s e-newsletter brings you one featured article, selected by TAPPI’s editors, on new research, business/technology trends, industry markets, or upcoming events – a range of topics geared toward industry professionals. You’ll also get a pulp and paper industry-specific article from the tech experts at Valmet. With more than 27,000 subscribers, Ahead of the Curve delivers engaging info that readers can use today to prepare for tomorrow.
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View the archive of Ahead of the Curve Articles below from the latest article all the way to the first release in January of 2012.

Survey Will Spark New Standards For Tissue and Towel
As the global population continues to expand, the tissue sector (along with packaging) has been a top performer among pulp and paper industry grades. Demand for tissue and towel products, in both the at-home and away-from-home markets, continues to grow. A report from paper industry intelligence provider Fisher International predicts that, by 2025, the global tissue industry will have more than 1000 newly-built tissue machines producing a wide variety of tissue and towel products.News

Ready to Compete for Another Century
BY GRAEME RODDEN Note: The full version of this article will appear in the forthcoming September/October issue of Paper360°. This excerpt is offered here as a “sneak peek” for AoTC readers.News

Scientists Share Genetic Data of Poplar Trees
This largest-ever SNP dataset may be useful to scientists studying biofuels and lignin. Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have released the largest-ever single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) dataset of genetic variations in poplar trees, information useful to plant scientists as well as researchers in the fields of biofuels, materials science, and secondary plant metabolism.News

Don’t overlook tissue converting
By Bruce Janda, Innovaspec The North American tissue business has become one of the most dynamic sectors in the paper industry. No one could have imagined 20 years ago that the number of tissue producing companies would be growing markedly today, instead of shrinking due to expected consolidation. The number of tissue operating companies has increased by 39 percent in the last ten years. The next two years will see the addition of more than 455,000 tpy of tissue capacity. We appear to be in the middle of an explosion of new tissue capacity additions as we continue to hear frequent announcements about new machines. This will require tissue makers to improve our game to remain relevant.News

Silver Fir Has Edge Under Changing Climate Conditions
As reported this month by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Switzerland, as well as in other European countries, Norway spruce and European beech trees are struggling to keep pace with the rapidly changing climate. This poses risks for the country’s forestry sector, which relies on spruce wood. A study by the WSL shows that these risks could be mitigated by relying more on silver fir and using Norway spruce from warmer growth locations.News

PaperChase is More Than Fun
For more than 30 years, the PaperChase Fun Run, in one form or another, has been an annual event held at a TAPPI Conference. Runners, walkers, and supporters from every area of the pulp and paper industry have come together to raise scholarship funds for deserving engineering students in our industry. Ahead of the Curve would like to share some of the history of the event—to thank the hundreds who have made their mark while making a difference.News

The Three-Leader Litmus Test
S. ERIC CHRISTENSEN, Ed.D. What is the real definition of successful organizational change? Efforts to evaluate organizational change initiatives focus on quantitative metrics. A “hard number” states unequivocally that targets are exceeded, met, or not met relative to a specific time period. Engineers and financial professionals are especially enamored of this approach. Metrics are comfortable, convenient, and necessary… but do not even come close to effectively grading the value of any given change initiative.News

Ensuring a Tight Load
GRAEME RODDEN The following article is part of a special multi-part feature on Global Transport in the just-released July/August issue of Paper360°.News

DoE Funds Biofuels Research
The Department of Energy has announced funding for new research centers to accelerate the development of specialty plants and processes for a new generation of biofuels and bioproducts, according to press information released Monday.News

Best Papers highlight new research in Coating & Graphic Arts, Process Control
By Monica Shaw (The following is excerpted from the June, 2017 issue of TAPPI Journal, an industry-leading peer-reviewed research publication available every month to TAPPI members.)Inside this Section
- Coating and Graphic Arts
- Corrugated Packaging
- Engineering
- Independent Technical Committees
- Nonwovens, Engineers and Technologists (NET)
- International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division
- Nanotechnology
- Paper and Board
- PIMA Management
- Process and Product Quality
- Process Control
- Pulp Manufacture
- Tissue Division
- Women in Industry
- Young Professionals